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Old 27-08-2009, 04:35 AM   #1
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Default Elephant in the Room: The Sun is a Conscious Being

I'm reading an article in New Dawn magazine entitled "Bring Back the Sun! Discover the Self-Organising Consciousness that Underlies Everything" by Gregory Sams, and in it he states:

As we explore the history of these cultures, we all too easily overlook the one underlying principle common to Egyptians, Maya, Celts and Greeks, not to mention the Sumerians, the Chaldeans, the Assyrians, the Gnostics, the Khmer, the Norse, the Inca, the Aztec, the natives of South and North America and countless other cultures through the world, including today's Hindu and Shinto religions. This is recognition that our local star is a conscious entity - a celestial being. It remains one of the most unspoken taboos of the Western world and one which even modern researchers of the above cultures are often reluctant to breach.

While not a new concept to me at all, reading that just now was a major slap in the face: how many of us here have really reflected on the possibility that the sun is literally a conscious being, beyond just giving the idea some form of token acknowledgement every once in a while?

It could be that one of, if not the most moving and intimate relationships any of us will ever have in this lifetime is with a being that most of us don't even accept is alive.


Last edited by size_of_light; 27-08-2009 at 04:47 AM.
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Old 28-08-2009, 04:58 AM   #2
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Yeah that paragraph is a nice reminder.
I tend to think about the earth as a conscious entity, so of course why wouldn't the sun be a celestial being. One that interacts with us and gives us life. There would be no life without it.

Is the earth the daughter of the sun and moon?
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Old 28-08-2009, 06:07 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by amercury View Post
Is the earth the daughter of the sun and moon?
Amongst other things, the article went on to detail and describe the various components of the sun and suggested that when viewed as a functioning whole, they bear all the hallmarks of the organs of a highly-complex and advanced, living organism.

It speculated that the mysterious corona around the sun might in fact be it's 'mind'.

My further thoughts...

What if the earth, the moon, and even humans, are direct thought-projections of the sun itself? Every atom in our bodies apparently originated in it's core...

That idea could also be extended to all other stars as well, of course, which puts an interesting slant on the stories of various gods ascending and 'becoming' particular stars at the ends of their earthly lives.

Maybe they originated in the minds of those stars to begin with, travelled to earth in starlight and radiation, and when the thoughts or intentions of those stars were exhausted or complete, the beings simply returned back to their original homes and essences in the minds of higher celestial beings.

Last edited by size_of_light; 28-08-2009 at 07:21 AM.
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Old 28-08-2009, 07:20 AM   #4
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Have you ever done sungazing? It's definitely a spiritual experience, so i can totally believe that the sun is a conscious entity. I've felt communication with it many times over, I just never thought of it like the OP before.

Good thread, I don't know how the evils of sun worship fit into all this lol. Isn't that supposed to be a bad thing? I don't know. A close friend of mine believes we came from the sun and that's where our energy is derived from.
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Old 28-08-2009, 07:29 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by biblegirl View Post
Have you ever done sungazing? It's definitely a spiritual experience, so i can totally believe that the sun is a conscious entity. I've felt communication with it many times over, I just never thought of it like the OP before.

Good thread, I don't know how the evils of sun worship fit into all this lol. Isn't that supposed to be a bad thing? I don't know. A close friend of mine believes we came from the sun and that's where our energy is derived from.
I don't know anything about sungazing other than having heard the term before.

I'd be interested to hear about your feelings and experiences of communication with it.

This is an area of interest I'm just coming to, so I'm pretty naive about the whole thing.

Something that really stands out to me now that I think about it though, is how hysterically paranoid and irrational a lot of people seem to be as soon as you mention something like this.

It seems strange that there's such a deeply-ingrained belief that all forms of sun-worship are inherently evil, and so even thinking about the sun as anything other than just a big ball of gas or electricity floating in space is to somehow invite or become evil yourself.

Last edited by size_of_light; 28-08-2009 at 07:30 AM.
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Old 28-08-2009, 07:30 AM   #6
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Of course the sun is conscious!

But then, so are all things. Animism is the belief that all natural objects are not just material but spiritual manifestations.

The earth itself is a conscious being, so why wouldn't other planets, and most importantly, the birthing body of the solar system itself?

Everything on this planet came from the sun, we are carbon based life forms and the carbon came from the sun.

The film Zeitgeist did a great job explaining how the catholic church and other organized religions were subverted to enforce Sun worship - but it didn't explain the significance of the Sun itself.

I have often wondered if the Sun, creating this physical reality, is not the object referred to as 'Lucifer' the lightbringer and if the idea of 'Satan' and 'Lucifer' were not deliberately confused in order to keep us from understanding the truth.

Aleister Crowley said that we are all stars, i.e., we are celestial objects and within us are what we consider to be 'chakras' or orbitting planets of energy. The Sun has it's own 'chakras' and we call these planets. Just because we don't see 'life' in our own visible spectrum on the other planets doesn't mean they don't exist - and the concept of higher-dimensional beings existing on and within the Sun itself is familiar to some.

In any case, the significance of the Sun is that whatever direction it takes, all planets, (and we) are affected by it.

So while the Sun goes through periods of transformation, so does the Atma, or seed of the soul (spirit) within all of us - being a solar object itself.

Disguising the activity of the Sun and it's true nature is a top priority in robbing mankind of spiritual knowledge and self-awareness.

Great thread.
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Old 28-08-2009, 07:39 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by size_of_light View Post
I don't know anything about sungazing other than having heard the term before.
Sungazing was an ancient practice, right at dawn a holy man or practicing spiritualists (who were many) would rise and witness the dawn by gazing into the sun as it came over the horizon.

It's argued that because the light is traveling through the thickest layer of atmosphere at dawn (cutting through maximum ozone) that it doesn't do damage to the eyes. This is hotly disputed nowadays, and if you live in a region where tall mountains are to the east (as I do) it's particularly risky to sun gaze because the sun will be much higher in the sky when it 'dawns' and will be cutting through less atmosphere.

In any case, the solar rays reach into your pineal gland and activate it, charging it.

Few people know of this, or practice it, because looking at the sun is considered... well, retarded.

Regardless, sun gazing is the oldest spiritual practice and even animals and fish in the water gaze at the sun in trance-like states. This is where we came from...

It seems strange that there's such a deeply-ingrained belief that all forms of sun-worship are inherently evil, and so even thinking about the sun as anything other than just a big ball of gas or electricity floating in space is to somehow invite or become evil yourself.

Materialist and scientific thinking demands you to think of all things as chemical bodies and not actually alive or having 'spirit'. There is no place for spirit in the materialist philosophy... no room to discuss whether or not the sun has a soul and if it affects our own.

The irrational revulsion people have to sunworship is due to hatred of paganism (obviously!) But also, I think as Michael Tsarion said, humanity has 'traumatic' experiences which it buries in it's subconscious - and one of these is the coming of Lucifer (the sun?). Who knows.

In any case -

I believe the Sun is going to go through a dimensional shift which we are supposed to join in on, but isn't it obvious by now that something doesn't want us to leave this dimension?

This is a big topic.

Why do they want us to think that we need to 'go underground' in the event of a solar flare? They want us to believe we will all die or be flash-fried. The truth is that we will probably shift out of this physical reality - and so they want us to go underground to 'save humanity'.

Right now there is a commercial pushing this concept for the movie 2012. It's very disturbing.

Last edited by metacomet; 28-08-2009 at 07:43 AM.
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Old 28-08-2009, 07:41 AM   #8
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Thanks meta c.

Excellent information.

I still think there's a major leap to be made between just acknowledging that the sun is probably a conscious being based on what's been said about it in esoteric teachings and mythologies from the past, and actually investigating the possibility for ourselves and maybe coming to realise the truth of it on the level of genuine, living experience.

It's in our faces every day of our lives (unless you live in the UK ), and effects us at every moment, yet we don't really examine that constant relationship much beyond the occassional token acknowledgement, as I mentioned in the OP.

Last edited by size_of_light; 28-08-2009 at 08:02 AM.
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Old 28-08-2009, 07:45 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by metacomet View Post
Sungazing was an ancient practice, right at dawn a holy man or practicing spiritualists (who were many) would rise and witness the dawn by gazing into the sun as it came over the horizon.

It's argued that because the light is traveling through the thickest layer of atmosphere at dawn (cutting through maximum ozone) that it doesn't do damage to the eyes. This is hotly disputed nowadays, and if you live in a region where tall mountains are to the east (as I do) it's particularly risky to sun gaze because the sun will be much higher in the sky when it 'dawns' and will be cutting through less atmosphere.

In any case, the solar rays reach into your pineal gland and activate it, charging it.

Few people know of this, or practice it, because looking at the sun is considered... well, retarded.

Regardless, sun gazing is the oldest spiritual practice and even animals and fish in the water gaze at the sun in trance-like states. This is where we came from...
Brilliant info again. Thanks.

Ever thought of starting a thread 'Ask metacomet'?


Originally Posted by metacomet View Post
This is a big topic.
Hopefully it kicks off, because there's a lot to cover and consider, and it's probably pretty important stuff too.

Solar 'music' is something else that has always fascinated me.

Last edited by size_of_light; 28-08-2009 at 07:46 AM.
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Old 28-08-2009, 04:16 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by metacomet View Post
Everything on this planet came from the sun, we are carbon based life forms and the carbon came from the sun.

I have often wondered if the Sun, creating this physical reality, is not the object referred to as 'Lucifer' the lightbringer and if the idea of 'Satan' and 'Lucifer' were not deliberately confused in order to keep us from understanding the truth.

Yes this does cast a light on sun worship.
We are made up of stardust..so a star (sun) had to die to give us life (jesus?)And all these ancient stars are our ancestors.

And as for the sun being lucifer...well his domain has always been all hot and fiery right?

I'm rambling...but yes this is a very interesting thread!
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Old 28-08-2009, 11:38 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by size_of_light View Post
I still think there's a major leap to be made between just acknowledging that the sun is probably a conscious being based on what's been said about it in esoteric teachings and mythologies from the past, and actually investigating the possibility for ourselves and maybe coming to realise the truth of it on the level of genuine, living experience.
That is a good point.
I'm thinking of the planets as physical manifestations of beings, like we are. We are connected to celestial beings as we are to each other. We can come to this realization in many ways, but apparently there have been ideas and experiments put forth for people to try.

From Rodney Collin (a student of Gurdjieff) :

...the aptness of analogies drawn from the mechanical
operation of laws in magnetism or physics must never lead us
to forget that the Solar System in its every part gives indication
of life and intelligence. We are dealing with living beings of a
power and nature incomprehensible to us: though we can
apprehend their existence and possible aspect.
Arguments based on the authority of others will never
convince some people, nor will arguments based on scientific
principles serve to convince all others. Is there some way we
could test the possibility of the Sun’s consciousness that would
be valid and meaningful for every human?

From http://www.buryl.com/sunbeing.pdf

Edgar Cayce stated that humans could influence the Sun’s behavior if
there were large scale meditations. At present there are a number of religious and spiritual groups, and nonaffiliated individuals, who meditate or pray for world peace. These groups now mostly pray at different times of the day, week, month, or year. If they could be enjoined to overlap on specific days in the year, at those times to concentrate on interacting with the Sun, perhaps there would be something like a laser effect, wherein all the mind mass of the planet would resonate. This program could be enormously enhanced by the use of satellite TV communication. The laser effect happens when only a tenth of the molecules are in phase. We don’t know what fraction of all humans would be required to produce a laser resonant effect, if indeed such a phenomenon is possible.
Such an experiment does not tell us if the Sun were mechanical, merely
reacting to our thoughts, or barely alive and responding like a pet to our
wishes, or alive and fully conscious and perhaps even loving. But, whatever the case, it is an important experiment to do, for present research by many
scientists shows that there is a possible link between solar magnetic activity
cycles, warring behavior and geomagnetic disturbances. If the Sun were either more quiet, or directed the solar wind away from the Earth, conditions on Earth might be more healthy, peaceful, and accident-free. There could be less violence, fewer wars.
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Old 29-08-2009, 06:53 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by size_of_light View Post
I don't know anything about sungazing other than having heard the term before.

I'd be interested to hear about your feelings and experiences of communication with it.

This is an area of interest I'm just coming to, so I'm pretty naive about the whole thing.
Sungazing rocks . You basically stand on the earth barefoot and relax your eyes in the direction of the sun as it's rising...it's hard to describe the feeling really, because I definitely feel communication, but in emotions more than words or concepts if that makes any sense.

I would describe the communication kind of like this: feelings that you're a child again and your mom or dad is holding you in their arms: warmth, wisdom, familiarity, learning, safety, peace, you don't have to really think about anything, just relax and be, absorb the love, in a moment you understand all that is, but don't feel that you have to. Wow that really sounds cheesy now that I reread it. But it's true lol! I would like to see others feedback on sungazing to see if they get the same impressions.

Something that really stands out to me now that I think about it though, is how hysterically paranoid and irrational a lot of people seem to be as soon as you mention something like this.

It seems strange that there's such a deeply-ingrained belief that all forms of sun-worship are inherently evil, and so even thinking about the sun as anything other than just a big ball of gas or electricity floating in space is to somehow invite or become evil yourself.
yep i agree, talking about the sun seems to be taboo

i don't know if this has anything to do with anything, but after superman gets his strength drained by kryptonite he flies around the sun a bit to get his energy back
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Old 29-08-2009, 04:10 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by biblegirl View Post
warmth, wisdom, familiarity, learning, safety, peace, you don't have to really think about anything, just relax and be,

I have felt like this just relaxing in the sun with my eyes closed.
I've always thought sungazing would be painful...but I didn't realize you were supposed to do it at dawn LOL.
I am going to have to try it now.
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Old 30-08-2009, 05:00 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by biblegirl View Post
Sungazing rocks .
I would describe the communication kind of like this: feelings that you're a child again and your mom or dad is holding you in their arms: warmth, wisdom, familiarity, learning, safety, peace, you don't have to really think about anything, just relax and be, absorb the love, in a moment you understand all that is, but don't feel that you have to. Wow that really sounds cheesy now that I reread it. But it's true lol! I would like to see others feedback on sungazing to see if they get the same impressions.
Not cheesy at all...a very lucid and powerful description, there. Thanks.

Originally Posted by biblegirl View Post
i don't know if this has anything to do with anything, but after superman gets his strength drained by kryptonite he flies around the sun a bit to get his energy back
Wink-wink, you think?
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Old 30-08-2009, 10:41 PM   #15
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Oh yeah, I've known this with intuition.
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Old 01-09-2009, 02:25 AM   #16
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So you guys think we come from the sun?

It's an interesting idea that planets are conscious beings. If you read channeled Ra material, he says that a planet's entities can form their consciousness into one, which is what supposedly Ra is. A planet's being's unified consciousness that can speak for itself. Interesting stuff.

I thought it was believed or "channeled", that we come from Pleiades, the star cluster. Can anyone shed light on this?

David Wilcock goes on to say that only non-black people are from somewhere else, and us black people or dark skinned people(?) are native to the earth.

I really do hope something amazing happens on 2012..I'm sick of this old boring life....I want EXCITEMENT!!! I want something new, ffs.
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